I’ve only been back working in DC for 2 ½ weeks. And only in DC is it possible to be approached by three separate organizations, on the same corner, within 24 hours. First off, I support the anti-clubbing of baby seals in
Greenland, equal rights for Republicans and putting a liberal back in the Oral Office. But, I do this in various ways; none of which include having a discussion with some tweed at 5 pm when it is 95 degrees and a steam room outside, or writing a check. I vote, end of discussion.
The interesting thing is that none of these organizations have the slightest conservative scent to them. Conservatives write blank checks, Liberals stand on street corners with binders. One seems nobler; while the other actually works better. Strategy is the art of getting things accomplished. The whole street corner thought needs some re-visitation, because if I’m not willing to stop and talk, that means they weren’t already talking to someone else.